Thursday, September 24, 2009

Early Human Wanted Poster

Here are some pictures of what the various hominids might have looked like.  You can use these for reference when drawing your "Wanted" poster.

Some older hominids had a prognathic shaped jaw, while the more modern hominds had a parabolic jaw.  If your hominid had heavy brow ridges, their brows stuck out from above their eyes.  Many hominids had a brain crest.  That is where the mandibular (jaw) muscles attached to the skull (on the top of the head).  As humans became more human, the brain crest flattened out because our jaws no longer needed to chew roots.  Strong jaws equal a pronounced brain crest.

Australopithecus afarensis

  • Lucy
  • 3.5 feet tall
  • Long apelike arms
  • Prognathic, not parabolic shaped mouth
  • Brain the size of a softball
  • Walked bipedal (hominid)
  • Heavy brow ridges
  • Brain crest
  • Lived in Africa, about 3 to 4 million years ago

Homo habilis

  • a.k.a. "the Handy Man"
  • First stone tools - very primitive
  • Scavengers (ate bone marrow)
  • Had human and apelike features
  • Lived in groups
  • Larger brain
  • Smaller teeth
  • More parabolic (wider) mouth
  • Lighter brow ridges
  • 4 - 4 1/2 feet tall
  • Lived about 1.5 to 2 million years ago

Homo erectus

  • a.k.a. Upright Man
  • More sophisticated stone tools
  • Larger brain
  • First to use fire (protection, heat, cooking)
  • First to leave Africa
  • Bigger brain
  • More parabolic (wider) mouth
  • Smaller teeth
  • Taller (more meat in diet)
  • Lived from 1.8 million to 200,000 B.C.E. and were around longer than other hominids

Homo sapiens sapiens

  • a.k.a. Homo Sapien Cro-Magnon, Doubly Wise Man
  • Very sophisticated tools (even sewing needles and musical instruments)
  • Hunter-gathers
  • Lived in larger groups
  • Originated in Africa, but migrated to Europe, Asia, and Australia, eventually ending up in North and South America
  • Very nearly modern human in brain size
  • Very slight brow ridges
  • Flatter faced
  • Could be dressed up and mistaken for modern (Think Geico Cave Man)
  • Lived from 35,000 to 12, 000 B.C.E.

Homo sapien neanderthalensis

  • a.k.a. Wise Man
  • Larger brained than Cro-Magnon
  • Skilled tool-makers
  • Short & Stocky
  • Lived in groups
  • Buried their dead
  • Lived in valleys in Africa, the Near East, Europe, and parts of Asia
  • Lived after Upright Man, from 230,000 to 30,000 years ago
  • Existed with Cro-Magnon, but may have died out because of him